sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010


In my opinion, corporations shouldn't have the same legal rights as a person just because they are NOT persons. Corporations have no feelings, no ability to feel guilt, no desires, no thoughts. Even though each corporation has its own philosophy, and this is often compared to a person's personality, I don't think it should be that way because this philosophy is not based on thoughts that are governed by feelings and common sense as happens with people. In human nature it is not considered normal that men hurt o damage another human being, but corporations have no concern for human wellnes, this is one of the main reasons why I think they souldn't have the same rights. I think corporations should be punished a little harder for their actions because they do it deliberately, which is not always the case of human beings, because we have to take into account social, mental, economical and physical conditions that affect human mind.

It is very difficult to ensure that companies take responsibility for their actions, I believe this has to be controlled by the government and different organisations like labor unions, consumer associations, ONGs, only to mention some of them.

I do believe that individuals should bear responsibility for the companies' actions, because at the end of the day, companies are managed by individuals, and if any mistake is made, there should be an investigation to find out the degree of resposibility individuals like directors may have, because sometimes they act in bad faith and they're protected by the law.

To me, one of the best benefits of the corporate form is that each stockholder is responsible only for his part of the company, this means that he can't be held for the company's debts, his liability to loss depends on the investment he has already made. In the corporate form it is also easier to accumulate capital, it survives the death of a partner and financial responsibility is diffused. The two main rivals of the corporate form are the enterprise and the partnership but the corporation has some advantages over its rivals that I have already mentioned. In an enterprise, a single enterpriser must asume all of the financial risks of its bussiness; in a partnership, there are mani financial responsibilities that not many people want to assume because they can't always take care of their own affairs, another disadvantage is that a partnership is disolved if one of the partners die.

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