domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Pygmalion Effect !!

Basically the pygmalion effect, refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people, often employees or students and children, the better they perform. its really interesting that said that the people with poor expectations internalize their negative label, and those with positive labels have better results in life.

I have always considered really important to check up, how positive is my attitude and my thoughts, because i believe in whats common known as the "law of attraction" and also in this Pygmalion phenomenon.

" what ever is you are felling is a perfect reflection of whats in the process of becoming"

The majority of the persons, for example are always complaining about the things and making negative thoughts all the time, at the same time they don't have clear what they expect, that's way they don't get the work they wanted, or the relationship even the health, and consciously or unconsciously the effect works !!

4 comentarios:

  1. I liked this entry a lot because it was short and specific on what you wanted to transmit about the task. I also liked the example you gave because you focused more on the "I/me", how are my attitude, feeling, thoughts etc. which are reflected in your actions and the way you perform in your daily activities. So yes, it is really important to check you self and always be positive in order to achieve your goals.

  2. I liked this publication because it is very brief and it explains the pygmalion effect in a very good way.

  3. Hey simon, this brief explanation of pygmalion effect is a good way to sumarize an important tool which is important in all levels of the daily life,besides, i like the emphazise you put on the blog about having a positive thinkings as more often as possible in order to achieve some goals.

  4. • Simon I really like the example you proposed, I read the book, ”the secret” and it’s true that our thoughts could influence in the way we want our lives; a positive attitude could make a situation better or worst. I like when you mention that you pay attention about your feelings, thoughts trying these are always positive.
